Welcome Providers

AMM's provider portal is a secure, HIPAA compliant platform for providers. The portal allows you to submit authorizations, check authorization and claim status and view member eligibility.

Need to register for the portal? Click on the New User Registration button on the right-hand side of the login page beneath the login field. Upon submitting your registration, please allow 72 hours for approval to access the portal. Within 72 hours of registering, please login to the portal with your username and password.

Member eligibility question? Please utilize the Contact Us button at the top of the screen to send your inquiry directly to our eligibility team.

If you have any questions regarding the EZ-Net portal, please send us an email at EZNetAdmin@amm.cc



  • 8/9/2024

We are pleased to inform you that the rebranding process of River City Medical Group to Vivant Health, which was shared with your organization beginning in spring of 2023, is coming to fruition. Over the coming months, you will witness and be a part of our company name change from RCMG, to RCMG-Vivant Health as you will now see in the portal, to Vivant Health. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you!

  • 4/10/2024

**Attention Providers with Alignment**

Please access the SNP MOC training materials using the link below:



  • 4/26/2024

**Attention Providers with BlueShield**

Please access the SNP MOC training materials using the link below:



**Attention Providers with Scan**

Please access the SNP MOC training materials using the link below:



**Attention Providers with Molina** 

Please access the SNP MOC training materials using the link below:


-After completing the training, please fill out this attestation:



  • 4/10/2024

Annual Model of Training Requirement Updated 


This training is mandated by CMS for any providers (PCP and Specialist) who are serving members enrolled in Special Needs Plans.

Please make sure to complete the training and fill out the completion attestation.


**Attention Providers with United Healthcare**

Kindly access the SNP MOC training materials via the following website link:



**Attention Providers with Alignment**

Please access the SNP MOC training materials using the link below:



  • 3/25/2024

Please review the up-to-date U.S. Preventive Services Task Force A&B recommendation from the link below.




Provider Portal User Guide


Seoul Medical Group Authorization Fax Form

Vivant Health Authorization Fax Form

County Medical Services Program Authorization Fax Form

CMS Requirements

Kindly upload medical records or provide a concise summary of the member's medical history when requesting any procedure-type services. This is a requirement mandated by CMS.

Seoul Medical Group-Peer to Peer

If the treating Physician would like to discuss the case for Seoul Medical Group with the Seoul Medical Group Director, Myunghae Choi, M.D. and Samuel Chu, M.D., Seattle Medical Group with Medical Director, Doug Kim, M.D., Hawaii Senior Medical Group with Medical Director, Aurora Mariani, M.D., New Jersey Senior Medical Group with Medical Director Richard Joo, M.D., Georgia Senior Medical Group Medical Director Woun H Seok, D.O and Liem Ngo, M.D. or a Healthcare Professional Reviewer or obtain a copy of the criteria used to make this decision, please call (562) 766-2000 x 4064

EZ-NET v6.7.0